simple as...

Beautiful covers, pictures, lyrics and inspiration.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Lana Del Rey, music video directed by Yoann Lemoine

Lana Del Rey, Born to die. Music video directed by Yoann Lemoine
This music video is so sexy, dramatic and well done. It's amazing, I was completely mesmerized when I first saw it!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Den Eldre Garde, Honningbarna

«Verden er satt på vent og håper lysene skrus av
Lovløse tilstander er sannhetens genistrek
Nå må vi revurdere hvordan geimet skal være
For det stinker dårlig stil her

Kan ikke komme bort fra at du løy - kjære president
Dårlig stil og hjelpe slem bosetter med raketter
Passe pinlig for nå blir det rabalder
Hvem hadde trodd det fantes jyplinger i slik alder

Nå har de ingenting å gjemme seg bak - du er avslørt WikiLeaks har blitt hørt
Beklager herrer, men nå har vi balletak - på de virkelig banditter

Den eldre garde slår til igjen
Ungdommens friskuser må redde kloden om igjen
Har ikke lært oss å lyve over slemme ting
Gamlingene nå til dags, hvor får de sin råskap fra

Finn ungdomskilden før vår verden seiner om
I følge doktorene dør den snart av alderdom
Senile hjerner glemmer fort hvorfor vi er her
Men vil ikke dvele, finner ut det er best å la være

Det er ikke bare blomstene som visner - kjære mor og far
Det vet dere godt, dere vet hva dere har begått
Ikke noe særlig til CV på den kloden vår
Skulle bare mangle, en får som en sår

Nå har de ingenting å gjemme seg bak - du er avslørt WikiLeaks har blitt hørt
Beklager herrer, men nå har vi balletak - på de virkelig banditter

Den eldre garde slår til igjen
Ungdommens friskuser må redde kloden om igjen
Har ikke lært oss å lyve over slemme ting
Gamlingene nå til dags, hvor får de sin råskap fra

Sett strek, la det stå til, det blir fullt kjør
Kaprer skuta, setter seil, og lover oppgjør»

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

John Baizley; Kvelertak

Extended artwork by John Baizley.
Love, love, love it!
The mysterious, dark atmosphere. The lines, the composition and what it represent.
The symbols and the owl. I love it!

Check out the cool Kvelertak tshirt designed by Justin Bartlett!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Essay; Visual Communication in Music


This essay will analyse, discuss and find out the difference in visual styles in the different music genres; pop, rock, punk and hip hop. It’s interesting to look at art and design in the music industry, because there is a lot of interesting work to investigate. Music is a very creative industry and it’s important for the success to have a certain look, attitude and image. Music is fun to illustrate. We all have different feelings and emotions when it comes to listening to music. Most people have a favourite song or a genre they like best. Maybe it’s because music can relate directly to your heart and emotions, it can in a split second bring to you memories, tears, joy, dancing or singing. In the latest years we have a habit of downloading music form the web. The urge to sell a CD cover or poster becomes more important now then ever. Designers must give the buyer a reason to collect the originals, like before the 1980s when the vinyl records and its art were well appreciated.
Chapter one will introduce four different genres of music. These are pop, rock, punk and hiphop. Different bands and artists from each genre will be considered to find out if their visuals have anything to do with their success.
Chapter two will focus on exciting and well known designers, their efforts and who they have designed for.
Chapter three will analyse and compare the designers and the different genres of music. This essay hopes to find out which genre uses more art, and why. It wants to inform you about the unique designers who design music covers and packaging, their thoughts and their visual style. It will compare the differences in the different music genres, to find out if what seems obvious, that hip hop and pop uses more sex than art, really is true.

Written by Gry Jeanett, University Of Wolverhampton 2009

Stefan Sagmeister for The Rolling Stones: Bridges To Babylon. 1997

Love Stefan Sagmeister and his design for this album for The Rolling Stones.